Toddler Program

18 months - 2.5 years

"The Toddler is a reality of the present yet a glimpse of the future"

- Maria Montessori

At around 18 months, your child is ready to be introduced to the Montessori Toddler program. The Toddler staff will assist your child in developing a routine, making good social choices as well as provide stimulating age-appropriate activities.

The curriculum can include toilet training if the child is ready.

In addition to the Toddler Curriculum, children will also be introduced to French, as well as Music through the Kindermusik Program.  Outdoor Education and School Visits also enrich their experience.

Class Ratio 1:5

Head Teacher: Registered Early Childhood Educator

Curriculum Areas

  • Meaningful activities involving care of self and the environment including feeding or dressing oneself, pouring, spooning, sweeping, locks and keys, etc.

  • Learning through the five senses helps children comprehend and classify the world around them. An introduction to the senses, geometric shapes and distinguishing of size, height, etc

  • Daily work with our exclusive, proven phonetic sound cards introduce children to the fundamentals of language.

  • introduction to science experiments, and discussions about people, plants and animals of the world.


The daily toddler schedule is intentionally unobtrusive and provides plenty of opportunities for learning, cuddling, napping, or socializing. Children spend their day in a mix of individual and group activities. Each day includes time for games, activities, songs, stories, sound cards, art and music.  

 Activities such as the sensory table, art easel, ball tracking games, not only build concentration and focus, they’re fun too.  Movement is built into the day to enhance large and small motor skills, body awareness and self-control both indoors and outdoors (weather permitting).