Infant Program

3 months - 18 months

"The greatness of the human personality
begins at birth"

- Maria Montessori

Children between 3 and 18 months are introduced to our school through the Infant program. Our patient, kind and caring teachers and assistants will help your child develop a routine, provide stimulating activities and care for all your child’s needs.

Gross motor and fine motor activities are part of the daily routine. Age-appropriate materials are provided to enhance the child’s language, cognitive, motor skill development and outdoor play.

Class Ratio 1:3

Head Teacher: Registered Childhood Educator

Areas of Focus

  • Your top priority is making sure your baby is healthy, safe and happy. It is ours as well. Our team and the environment is prepared with that in mind.

  • A trusting bond is formed with your child’s nurturing primary and secondary caregivers who attend to his or her emotional and physical needs.

  • Simply being in the presence of “someone like me” sets the foundation for interpersonal connection.

  • The Montessori philosophy to “follow the child” encourages exploration, self-awareness, and self-care.

  • Floor time, tummy time, a climbing area and tunnels encourage physical and cognitive development.