Casa Program

2.5 years - 6 years

“The greatest gifts we can give our children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence.

- Maria Montessori

Class Ratio 1:8

Head Teacher: TMI/AMI/MACTE Accredited Montessori Teaching Diploma

The Montessori materials are designed to stimulate the child into logical thought and discovery. Apart from conveying basic educational information, they develop the child’s senses and coordinate movement in preparation for reading, writing and calculating. The child learns through practice with presented materials. These concrete experiences lead to a thorough understanding of each step of a process, laying a solid foundation for more complex future work.


Areas of Curriculum

  • Practical life emphasizes care of self, care of the environment (indoors and outdoors), grace and courtesy.

  • The Sensorial area is where children learn to identify and internalize concepts such as size, shape, colour, taste and sound through the materials in our classrooms.

  • Language development focuses on oral language skills, listening skills, writing and reading with the goal of students being able to decode words and comprehend the meaning of text.

  • In Math, children use their mathematical minds to count quantities, identify numerals, sequence numbers, and experience addition, multiplication, subtraction and division at a concrete level.

  • Cultural activities help students discover ideas and concepts in geography, history, botany, zoology and the sciences.

 Additional Programs

In addition to the Casa curriculum children will also take part in the following programs


Physical Education




*** Coming Soon ***